Kitamura Mycenter-HX630G
Table Size:
Travel (X, Y, Z):
Spindle Taper:
Spindle Speed:
Tool Storage Capacity:
Tool Change Time (T-T/C-C):
Rapid Feed (X,Y,Z)
Rapid Feed (B)
Power Requirement:
- 12,000rpm (opt. 8,000rpm) 4-step geared spindle configurations. High speed, high torque. HSK-A100 is an available option
- Positioning Accuracy: ±0.000078”/full stroke, Repeatability: ±0.000039”
- Solid box way construction, linear scales on all axes and twin ballscrew design in the X & Y axes
- High speed 4th axis rotary table, Integral Motor Driven 43,200deg/min (120rpm) rapids
- World’s fastest rapid feed rates of 2,362ipm on induction hardened solid box ways
- Standard 2-station APC offers the ability to add pallets and pallet pool systems in the field
- Beats the competition in work envelope size and stroke!
- The ability to add 630mm tables in the field as an option